Monday, March 11, 2013

(5) Refried Beans vs. (12) Cane's Chicken Fingers

Had to recover after a Natty weekend. Happens. Right back into the bracket with a big matchup between refried beans and Raising Cane's Chicken. Let's get into it:

Cane's Chicken Fingers

For those of you outside of the Boston University community, you may not be too familiar with the Comm Ave Poop Powerhouse that is Raising Cane's. Try to imagine the heaviest chicken fingers you've ever eaten. The type that you have to plan your day around because, once you eat Cane's, your next four hours are shot. You feel terrible about yourself right through the massive exodus. Pooping out Cane's chicken is the equivalent of birthing a child made of solidified grease. Still, it feels so right going down that you can't help but get back in there and have another one. It's earned its spot in the bracket, and could be heading for the classic 12 over 5 upset.

Refried Beans

To be clear, these aren't respectable refried beans. These aren't from some classy mexican restaurant. These are the beans from the can that retain the ridges when they pop out. The beans that act like a mexican paste on your food. The beans that stir up the nasty farts to warn you of impending poop doom. They punish you like a freight train speeding right for your butthole, then stick around so you're worried about skid marks on old Boxer Way. Run through this matchup a thousand times, and still can't figure out which one is worse.

Vote in the comments or on twitter @bupoops, @wtbubeanpot or @evilbigshibber. Feel free to stir up discussion with your thoughts and experiences. Voting ends Tuesday at midnight (or 12 AM Wednesday).

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